Shower Enclosure Terminology

Framed Shower Enclosure

framed glass shower enclosure
framed shower enclosure

A framed shower enclosure has metal frames around each piece of glass. This type of glass shower enclosure is often the least expensive. However, it offers a less clean look. Our framed shower enclosures come in either 3/16″ or 1/4″ thick clear, tempered glass.

Semi-Frameless Shower Enclosure

a semi-frameless shower we installed in Denver, CO
semi-frameless shower installed on tub deck

A semi-frameless glass shower enclosure has more metal framing than a frameless and less than a framed shower enclosure. They often have metal framing around the perimeter of the entire shower enclosure, yet none around the door. A semi-frameless shower enclosure often costs less than a frameless, yet more than a framed shower enclosure.

Frameless Shower Enclosure

a new frameless shower enclosure installed
frameless shower enclosure

A frameless shower enclosure, also called a European shower enclosure, has little or no metal framing around the glass pieces. Instead, it uses smaller metal brackets to hold the glass pieces in place. For example, to hold a glass wall in place, there might be one metal frame at the top or a ceiling bracket, then only a couple metal brackets holding the glass to the wall. Our frameless shower enclosures come in either 3/8″ or 1/2″ thick clear, tempered glass.

Walk-in Shower

Walk-in showers are usually showers that have no curb or threshold to walk over. The transition from bathroom to shower is seamless. Some pre-fabricated walk-in showers have a small curb to help hold back excess water from flowing into your bathroom. The shower head is usually placed behind a fixed wall so as to prevent overspraying into the bathroom.

Walk-in Shower vs Shower Enclosure

Walk-in showers usually require more space since the shower head needs to be recessed into the shower space to avoid overspraying into the bathroom. Shower enclosures, on the other hand, require less space since they have a door that helps keep water overspraying in the shower space. Shower enclosures are usually less expensive. Walk-in showers are usually more accessibility-friendly since they’re more open and spacious.

Wet Room

A wet room is a room that’s completely waterproof and includes the shower and sometimes the bathtub. Some wetrooms are the entire bathroom with only a partial glass wall separating the shower and/or bathtub from the rest of the room. A true ‘wet room’ is a room that’s completely waterproof with no fixed shower door.

Shower Curb

shower enclosure curb
shower enclosure curb

A shower curb is the raised structure you step over to get into your shower. They’re below the door and sometimes wall. They’re usually 2″ to 6″ tall and tiled. Their purpose to to hold-back water from spreading into your bathroom. Curbs can be found in either framed or frameless shower enclosures.

Shower Enclosure Hardware

shower hardware

Shower enclosure hardware refers to any metal, non-glass parts. For example, the handle and hinges for your shower and wall brackets are shower hardware. Other shower enclosure hardware includes metal framing or channels, towel bars, knobs, clamps, and more.

Shower Door Blank

A shower door blank is a blank shower door. In other words, a glass shower door without any hardware installed.

Shower Enclosure Opening

A shower enclosure opening simply refers to where the door will be installed. It’s the opening for the door.

Shower Panel

A glass wall.

Return Panel (End Panel)

shower return panel

A shower enclosure return panel or end panel is a piece of glass that completes the shower enclosure. It ‘returns’ to another piece of glass or a wall.

Shower Side Panel

A shower side panel is a shower panel that’s perpendicular to the front of the shower. It’s on the side, left or right, of the shower enclosure. Shower side panels can be made of plastic, fiberglass, or glass.

Slim Frame

A slim frame is a glass shower frame that slimmer or thinner than usual. A slimmer frame means more glass and easier cleaning, but without going as far as a frameless shower enclosure. Framed and frameless shower enclosures can utilitze a slim frame.



A shower buttress is any horizontal surface with stationary glass that rests higher than the shower curb. For example, a short wall is a buttress, as is a tub deck.

Outward Opening

An outward opening is a shower door that opens outward. e.g. a door that opens to the outside of a space and not inwards. Most shower doors open outwards. In fact, according to International Residential Code Section P2708.1, all hinged shower doors must open outward. This is for your safety.

Inward Opening

An inward opening is an opening for a door that will open inwards, or into the shower space. An inward opening door is highly unusual. If you prefer one, it must be accompanied by an outward opening/swinging door or be on a pivoting hinge that allows the door to swing both inwards and outwards.

Ceiling Bracket/Arm

shower enclosure ceiling bracket arm shower enclosure terminology
shower enclosure ceiling bracket arm

A shower ceiling bracket/arm, sometimes called a shower support bar, is a piece of hardward used to stabilize a shower wall. Sometimes we use one on a frameless shower enclosure instead of an overhead U-channel. Ceiling bracket arms are used on frameless shower enclosures.

Shower Grab Bar

A shower grab bar, not to be confused with a shower support bar, is used to support yourself. For example, to hold on to while you enter or exit your shower. Shower grab bars can be installed onto tile walls or glass panels.

Hinged to the Wall

Some shower enclosure doors are hinged to a glass panel. Some are hinged to the wall. That is to say the hinges are mounted to the wall.

Shower Frame Finish

A shower frame finish is the finish on the metal frame. Some metal frames, for example, have a chrome finish or brushed nickel finish or an oil rubbed finish. There are many frame finishes to choose from, today.

Fluted Glass

Fluted shower glass has convex grooves in it. It offers both a decorative style and privacy. We do not offer fluted glass in our shower enclosures. We do, however, offer etched glass.

Privacy Etch

Etching is another way to add some privacy to your shower. Etched glass is the result of a series of tiny cuts in the glass, then polished or sanded so as to not cause any harm.

Obscured Glass

obscured shower glass

Obscured glass is a more vague term to describe glass that’s made opaque to roughening one side. The term ‘obscure’ is a generic term used to describe reducing the clarity of glass. It’s a way to increase privacy while in the shower. Various patterns and levels of obscurity are available.

Hinged to Inline Panel

hinged to inline panel

As opposed to hinged to the wall, hinged to an inline panel refers to a shower door that’s hinged to a glass shower panel in the same line.

Wall Arm

A shower wall arm is the pipe the shower head attaches to. Shower arm styles vary greatly. Some shower wall arms are flexible whiel some are fixed.

Shower Rose

A shower rose is a wider shower head with a broader spray pattern. The term shower head is more commonly used in the U.S. The shape, size, pattern, and finish of a shower rose vary greatly.

Shower Valve

The shower valve is usually located inside the wall and is connected to the shower handle. It’s what controls the flow of water to your shower head. Shower valves consist of three ports: one for hot water, one for cold water, and one for the shower arm and head.

Shower Tray

shower tray or pan shower terminology
shower enclosure tray/pan

Also called a shower pan, a shower tray is a pre-formed floor for your shower designed to made shower installation quick and easy. They come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. Common sizes are 32″x32″ and 36″ x 36″.

Shower Handle

Also referred to as a shower faucet handle, the shower handle is connected to the shower valve. A shower handle should not be confused with a shower grab bar. Shower handles are often part of the shower faucet kit.

Shower Faucet

A shower faucet is usually a kit that contains both the shower handle and shower head. shower faucets come in a wide variety of designs, including single, double, and triple-handle designs. Some shower faucets not only include a handle and shower head, but also a hand-held head.