Signs Your Windows Need Replacing
There are many signs your windows need replacing. While some signs are obvious, some are not. A common, yet often overlooked, sign is a high utility bill. Window issues can arise no matter how new your home is. If you’ve been thinking about replacing your windows but you’re not entirely sure it’s necessary, take a look at these 7 signs your windows need replacing. If you are unsure, contact us for a free window inspection and consultation. We will let you know if your windows are okay or if they need replacing.

High Energy Bills
A common sign your windows need replacing is a high utility bill. If your HVAC system is working much harder than it needs to in order to compensate for old, leaky windows that are letting too much outside air in (and vice-versa), that can lead to sky-high electric bills. A window that doesn’t close tightly is a window that leaks air in and/or out. Ask your neighbors what their utility bills typically are if you’re unsure whether you’re paying too much. Also, compare your current month’s utility bill to this time last year, or even last month. If it’s significantly higher, check your windows. If your windows aren’t energy-efficient, you’re wasting money.
Diminished Visibility
Windows are supposed to let you see outside, and if that’s not the case, it can be lowering the value of your home, not to mention negatively affecting your home’s curb appeal. Even if you don’t live next to the beach or a few miles from a majestic mountain, you still want to be able to clearly see outside. Condensation on or in your window, glass fading and discoloration can all affect your view in a bad way.
Difficult to Operate
A window that’s difficult to operate is another common sign they need replacing. If you wind up getting into a wrestling match every time you go to open a window, or if they won’t stay put, you’re missing out on enjoying that cool breeze and those sweet energy savings. The same goes for improperly-closing windows. If they don’t totally closed, outside air will find its way in. It’s also a safety issue if you’re having to worry about your windows slamming shut on someone, or whether a burglar will be able to waltz in while you’re away.
Broken or misaligned windows can leave gaps for rain, insects, or even mice to fit through. Rain entering your window can lead to other, possibly expensive problems. Pests entering your home are a potential health hazard to your family. If a window doesn’t close tightly because it’s old, or because the seals or weather stripping is worn-out, this is an energy inefficient window and it definately needs repair, if not replacing.
This one’s hard to miss. If your wooden windows are rotting, it’s time for them to be replaced, preferably as soon as possible. Wood rot not only looks bad, but it can keep your windows from opening and closing properly. It can also make your central air conditioner unit and heater work overtime if there are gaps or cracks that let outside air in. What’s worse, a rotting window leaves your home vulnerable to burglars and thieves.
Outdated Appearance
One of the best ways to instantly update your home is a window replacement. If you’re considering selling your home, and you have outdated windows, updating your home with new, energy-efficient windows is a smart idea. If the design of your current windows doesn’t really complement the rest of your home, or if they just plain look like a bad ’70s artifact, putting in new windows can make a huge difference both aesthetically and with your carbon footprint if you go with energy-efficient windows. A lower energy bill and improved curb appeal are two things new windows can bring to your home.
Andersen offers a huge variety of window designs and styles, and for just about anyones budget. Frame materials include vinyl clad wood, solid wood, composite, aluminum, aluminum clad wood, and fiberglass. Jeld-Wen also offers replacement windows in a wide variety of designs. Their Premium Vinyl (V-4500) windows and Brickmould vinyl windows resemble the look of wood. Their Flat Casing vinyl windows are a nod to past designs.
Street noise and loud neighbors can keep you from getting a good night’s sleep, or just from being able to relax comfortably in your own home. If your current windows dampen sound about as well as Saran Wrap, replace your single-pane windows. Today’s windows offer an improved design, which means they’re better at reducing noise from the outside.
The Bottom Line
The most common signs your windows need replacing in Colorado are a high utility bill and difficult to operate. If your windows are letting cool air out in the summer and warm air out in the winter, you should seriously consider new windows. If you have wood windows and they’re rotting and falling apart, it’s past time for new windows, also. If your windows are difficult to operate, this is a sign of a problem. Feel free to contact us for a free window consultation, inspection, or estimate.